May 25, 2012

Friday Fun

I've been a bit (ok, more than a bit) MIA this week. Lots and lots of craziness. Playdates, friends leaving for Africa, T-ball parent's informational meeting (totally uninformative btw), training for the half marathon, reconnecting with an old friend and about a dozen other things that I can't even remember right now. Anyway, I've been unavailable when it comes to blogging...replying to comments...reading other blogs...all of that fun stuff so I plan to take some time on this fabulous long weekend to sit at my computer and have some me time. But now is sadly not that time. The boy is going to my parents for the I have to go pack his monster (it really is a and everything) suitcase. I'll just leave you with some fun pics from one of this week's playdates at the zoo...

I made her dress and we bought the Minnie ears (through the Disney Store) from Disney World...saw them the last time we went but forgot to pick up a pair...put her hair in pigtails and then clipped the ears  on. 

I know. She's adorable.

He LOVES her!

Our little Turtle (the boy's nickname) in front of the turtle exhibit.

My blue-eyed babies...if only they'd look at ME and my camera when they smile but no, that's not their style.

Ok. So this isn't technically a great pic but I love it because it's us. And it's real. The boy was concerned I'd let him fall backwards into the water (thanks for the vote of confidence kid) and the girl was annoyed at the sun (SO my daughter-you rarely see me without sun glasses or a hat unless like here it's for a picture).

Hope you had a great week and an equally wonderful long weekend. Let us always remember the reason for the holiday and those who gave everything so we could be free. 

1 comment:

  1. Man, he looks more and more like his daddy every day! And I love those little ears! LOVE!
